Great Homemade Cakes
It’s great to see beautiful cakes created by the professional…let’s face it sometimes we want to take on the challenge of making a great cake ourselves. Professional cakes can be expensive. Often we find creating a great cake to be fun and gives a sense of accomplishment. All of these cakes are made by everyday people…you can find these cakes and many more, with instructions, at the Cool-Birthday-Cakes web site. Hope they inspire you to take on the challenge the next time you need a cake!
Under The Sea …Great for a pool, beach, and tropical themed parties.
Girls Birthday Cakes or Baby Shower. This would also be beautiful for a Bridal Shower or Wedding.
Something for the guys… Billiards.
Tops Turvey Cake This is fantastic for any Hip Chick young or old. What teen wouldn’t love this.
Sex And The City Girls Night Out…maybe a Bachelorette Party.
For the girls that want a Spa Day .
Find this great treasure chest cake at Crash This Party. My friend Karen had this Pirate Party for her son and has some great ideas. Love her cake!

For your tough guy…The Army