Essential Oils
Healthy living. YOUNG LIVING. I know, I know! Maybe you’ve seen this everywhere you turn. Ever wonder why?
I’d love to tell you why I have decided it is time to try essential oils in our lives and why it may be the perfect time for you too.
I have been using Young Living Essential Oils for more than three years now – I just love them! This past year I have been trying new products like body lotion, body wash and the orange face wash…it smells so good!
Our skin is our biggest organ and I know I am applying products that can nourish my skin without harmful chemicals to be absorbed through my skin.
Like many, I hear the negative reports about the chemicals in many of our daily used products. So many of them are full of harmful chemicals, yet they are products we have used for years. They are trusted brands they have to be safe. Right? I’m not so sure anymore. I find myself researching more homeopathic and natural ways to live and heal our lives. I have a child with severe disabilities and medical conditions. He takes a lot of medications. I have no choice in the matter as they seem to keep him well. {Read our story here} When it comes to using brand name products on him, I cringe at applying more chemicals to his body. Products like bug spray and household cleaners that he might breathe in – they seem so toxic. It’s time for a change!
Visit here to see all my creative uses for essential oils!
If you are ready to buy a Starter Kit … let me walk you through the process below:
Just dip your toe in by purchasing the premium starter kit. Just try and see. This gives you the biggest bang for your buck with NO obligations. It’s the best way to give essential oils a good fair shot to see the benefits for yourself! For $160 (+tax/shipping) you get:
- A diffuser: You’re going to want to diffuse your essential oils into the air so you can breathe in those health benefits and support! What I love: unlike a candle, there are no toxic chemicals or synthetic fragrances. I get to choose the scent I want to diffuse…something uplifting or relaxing, something immune boosting or cleansing, etc. AND I get to control the strength. A drop or two for sensitive noses, more for a POW – my house smells amazing! The diffusers are constructed of a medical grade material that will not break down with the use of essential oils. It also comes with a 1-year warranty.
- 11 bottles of essential oils: Peppermint (cooling, great for after exercise, occasional head tension, supporting a healthy digestive system), Frankincense (supports healthy skin, meditative/spiritual, promotes a sense of well being), Lemon (energizing and cleansing), Citrus Fresh (I love adding a few drops to freshen up laundry)), DiGize (a must have for supporting a healthy digestive system), Thieves (supports a healthy immune system, very popular oil that because of it’s awesome power is also used in YL’s household cleaner concentrate, bar soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid and dishwasher powder, dental products, hand purifier, etc. too – it’s SO good!), Lavender (relaxing and calming and awesome for!!!), Copaiba, PanAway (smells like IcyHot, great for after exercise), Raven (supports a healthy respiratory system!), Stress Away (enough said!).
- A sample of Thieves Household Cleaner (YOU WILL LOVE THIS!!! Cinnamon/clove scent?! Yes please!)
- Sample bottles and cards to share with others.
- Sample Ningxia Red (super juice – POW!)
- A lifetime wholesale membership – sounds scary but there are no obligations to order ever again. But if you do want to, you now have access to 24% off retail prices! Hurray! Spend 50 pv ($around $50) per year to stay an active member or … hey, go inactive. There is no penalty. You just don’t order again, you walk away free and clear.
- Friendships and support!
- The potential to share with others and to make a paycheck – it’s just there, hanging out, yours for the taking IF you want it. No requirements. No monthly quotas. You never HAVE to ‘sell’ or share or speak a word to anyone if you don’t want to. But if you do, you might just get an accidental paycheck! Let’s discuss the details. It’s not like your usual work-from-home multi-level marketing company.
- Access to a Rewards program IF you decide you love your oils to pieces and can’t live without MORE! Completely optional. I love it because I get things I used to buy at WalMart (but now a chemical-free version) and my essential oils delivered to my door and I earn rewards BIG TIME (shopping spree!) but that’s just me. I’m talking about not just essential oils but our toothpaste, household cleaner, deodorant, laundry detergent, lotion, supplements, etc. You have the choice. Decline immediately, sign up if you want some other time or never join it. Up to you!
Essential oils have been around FOREVER and I know that lately, they’re ALL THE HYPE but I believe it’s because word of mouth spreads faster these days via social media. They aren’t new. And specifically, Young Living has been around going on 30 years! I was still practically a child (and I’m a grandma now!). That’s not anything bright and shiny and just born. And “Young Living” is THE BRAND everyone wants. Because guess what? Not all essential oils are created equal! What I really love about Young Living is their Seed to Seal Guarantee. They aren’t just buying from a supplier and slapping on a label. Young Living controls the process of planting, harvesting, distilling, bottling, labeling and shipping from their own farms and partner farms from around the world with high standards and lots of testing. In fact, Young Living is the #1 essential oils company in the world. I am confident that I am getting the best quality essential oil. One other quick point about Young Living…unlike buying a cheap oil from Amazon or WalMart or even TJMaxx (be aware: even a label with 100% pure doesn’t mean that’s the case), I love that I have support, resources and testimonials from personal experiences to help guide me on my oily journey. I’ve never had to work about my health but now I’m empowered to research, to learn more and to embrace wellness. When someone tells me they tried an essential oil and it didn’t work, I’m pretty sure they tried a fragrance or lower grade, not the quality of Young Living essential oils.
If you are ready to buy a Starter Kit … let me walk you through the process:
1. CLICK HERE to begin the enrollment process. It’s super easy to get started!
2. I highly recommend the Wholesale Membership. There are NO strings attached to being a wholesale member. You aren’t required to order monthly. Awesome! If you’d prefer to choose ‘retail customer’, you will not receive the 24% discount and you won’t have access to the starter kits. If you’d like to, contact me first and I’ll go through the order process with you as well as include a few freebies!!!
3. Make sure my member number 2675928 is on both the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID spots. It should automatically show on the enrollment form.
4. Be sure to include your email address. If you don’t, I have no way to invite you to the Oily Family Facebook support group and I can’t support you as you begin your journey with essential oils. This support is vital for empowering you to use the oils to the fullest. There is a wealth of information to get you started!
5. Choose the kit you want. (I recommend the premium starter kit…a $266.45 value for $160, everyday essential oils collection to get you started AND a diffuser!) Then proceed to check out. You can skip the Essential Rewards part for now or join right away – remember to contact me if you have any questions about the sign-up process or anytime after at Susan {at} ohmy-creative {dot} com. The Premium Starter Kit comes with everything shown …that’s 11 bottles of essential oils (not samples!), a diffuser, samples and literature. Great value!
CLICK HERE to begin the enrollment process. It’s super easy to get started!
Need more information? Click Here!