My Creative Thoughts… How To Stop Aging
One month from today I turn 50! I know, how can that be? As much as I would like to yell {very loudly} STOP THE AGING PROCESS…I don’t think it is possible, but for the last couple of years I have been searching for a way to stop it! I won’t go down without a fight!
I thought for the next month I would share some of the creative things I’ve learned about life. Maybe they will interest, maybe they won’t. This book, however, sure has transformed my husbands approach to turning 50…just 13 days before mine! He would read me passages like “grow or decay” and “quit eating crap.” It’s not a diet book, but a way to change your life, to age well, be active and have great social connections into your 80’s. Really the advice is good at any age! We recommend it and have been urging friends to read it as well!
The women’s version has additional chapters on lady issues like menopause. Let me know if you read the book and if it has made a difference in your life?
Hope you’re creating something fun today!
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I just turned 50 a few days ago and my husband turned 56 a few weeks before that. I sure don’t feel that old! I’m looking forward to reading what you’ve learned from the book. Thinking I may need to pick it up.
Kim – I think you and your husband would really enjoy and benefit from these books! I don’t feel older either, but the advise is good…it kind of changes your perspective on life!