Small Space Gardening – Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis

I have been planting a little garden for the past six years. I think of it as being a little experimental…just happy when things actually grow and we have fresh veggies to eat.

Every year the cucumbers were vining all over the place. There was really nowhere for them to go but into the flower beds. It was hard to tell if there were even cucumbers on the vines! So, I am sharing my tip for Small Space Gardening – Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis! I did this last year, and it worked so well I did it again this year.

 Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis

This is very simple. Buy an inexpensive trellis at your local garden center and when the cucumber plants begin to vine, start training them to grow up the trellis.

Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis

I tuck the leaves behind or around the trellis, and before you know it the tentacles (probably not what they are really called) have grabbed onto the trellis and secure the plant in place!

Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis

The cucumbers are absolutely delicious…better than any bought in a store! So easy to grow!

Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis

Grow Cucumbers On A Trellis

If you would like to see how created more space in my garden, check out my Garden Spiral!

How to create a small vegetable garden using a garden spiral -

Hope your day is creative!

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Susan B

Susan B

Hi, I’m Susan! Thanks for stopping by Oh My! Creative. I like to have fun, make fun things…you know, create stuff! I love DIY, decorating and design and like any girl…shopping and lunch!
Susan B

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    1. I have never planted squash in my garden…maybe I will give that a try next year! I’m pretty sure I don’t have room to grow them on bed springs! lol

  1. How tall was your trellis and what did you do with the vines when they reached the top??? I want to try this method for next year.

  2. What a great idea ! I have been trying to incorporate more vegetables in my flowerbeds and I already have the perfect trellis in mind. I will be doing this next year.

  3. Susan this is a great idea to get those cukes up off the ground and make easy picking. This year I am trying a tomato cage to train mine, also with summer squash. Happy gardening and Thank you for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girls WW this week!
    Have a great week!

  4. This is good to know! I planted a cucumber in a small raised bed this year (actually an old fire pit), because, like you, I don’t have much space to grow things. Or the rabbits/deer eat them all. I have a tomato cage I can go stick in there for the cucumber to grow on! The things you learn at a linkup! 🙂 Thanks for joining us at the Family Joy Linkup!

    1. Yes, Charlene, I have been doing it for years. It works really well if you only have a small space to garden in!

  5. If we weren’t having a drought here I’d have a garden. Yummy looking cucumbers/plants. Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Shared.

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