Vintage Fly Away With Me Travel Dessert Table

This is a spectacular Travel Dessert Buffet from Sweets Indeed! I absolutely love all the vintage accents including these fabulous hot air balloons. The maps make great paper accents for this travel theme. Don’t you just want to dig in your parents attic for a few old suitcases? This would be wonderful for a marriage proposal party or a couples shower.

Susan B

Susan B

Hi, I’m Susan! Thanks for stopping by Oh My! Creative. I like to have fun, make fun things…you know, create stuff! I love DIY, decorating and design and like any girl…shopping and lunch!
Susan B
Susan B

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  2. I absolutely love all the vintage accents including these fabulous hot air balloons. The maps make great paper accents for this travel theme.

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  4. The vintage accents, especially the hot air balloons, add such a whimsical and nostalgic charm to the theme. The use of maps as paper accents is a brilliant touch that perfectly ties in the travel concept. tilausajo

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