Fiesta Owl Baby Shower – Follower Feature
Today, I am starting my week long Birthday Celebration by featuring parties that my followers have created. As you would expect there are some great ones! Hope you will enjoy the creativity of these real parties – please stop by and visit their blogs!
My first feature is this adorable Fiesta Owl Baby Shower by Sandi at Oh Baby! Custom Shower Decor. Sandi has been a follower for a long time and always finds time to leave a nice comment! I will let Sandi give the party details in her own words…
Let me explain this wacky theme…The parents-to-be decorated the nursery with an owl theme. We decided to get a majority of the food catered by one of the couple’s favorite Mexican restaurant. Putting these two things together and we had our Fiesta Owl Baby Shower. Woodland touches, bright colors, and a few sombreros set the scene for this bash.

One of the activities was a S’more station. We had all the fixin’s and guests roasted their s’mores over the fire pit. The sign reads: “Bernadette & Kelley are adding S’more to their family” {I absolutely love these S’more signs with the roasting “cotton ball” marshmallows on a stick – Susan}
My friend Lindsay made these little cuties following this tutorial, and then added felt features.

Dessert was owl cupcakes, inspired by this. We used cashews for the beaks, chocolate chips for the eye, and Oreo cookies for the ears & eyes. People went crazy for these! If I made them again, I would put them together the day of the party rather than the night before to keep the cookies more crisp.

We had a little station set up near the photo booth for people to write their notes to the parents-to-be. The sign says “Be a Wise Old Owl and Share Some Advice with Bernadette & Kelley”. And of course, the wise old yarn owl was wearing glasses. We found a cute little photo album at Michael’s and cut papers to fit inside. Later we’ll add photo booth pictures.