Free Road Trip Printable Scavenger Hunt
Keep kids entertained on long road trips with this free road trip printable scavenger hunt. They are perfect for kids of all ages.
While you are here you can find a bunch of other free printables for kids too!

How to Entertain Kids on Long Road Trips
Summertime road trips – are you ready? What about your kids? Road trips with kids are full of mixed blessings. You get to see different places together and make a ton of memories. But getting there can be super boring.
I’m sure your kids will let you know all about how bored they get.
So how do you entertain your kids when everyone is stuck in a car for 8 hours and all they see are cars, more cars, and maybe some hills and billboards?
Some of the most popular ways to entertain kids on road trips include:
- Podcasts – Listen to a family-friendly podcast together or even an audiobook.
- Trivia – Test everyone’s pop culture or even intellectual knowledge
- Movies – You can download movies to tablets and phones
- Activity books – bring along word searches and other activity books
- Printable road trip games – Print out free road trip games at home that they can do on the road.
What is a road trip scavenger hunt?
Print out my free road trip scavenger hunt. This will keep your kids entertained while on the road.
A road trip scavenger hunt lists out common things they might see as you drive by. Then, they just check the box on what they see. The first person to check everything wins!
You can also just make it non-competitive and everyone helps each other find the entire list.
However you do it, the point is to get involved in what you are driving past. It’ll ward off boredom and make time pass that much faster.
You can either print off multiple copies or you can laminate them and use a dry-erase marker and reuse the same one over and over.
Things On the Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
The kinds of things on this scavenger hunt include:
- Rest stop
- Pickup truck
- Minivan
- River
- Crane
- Post Office
- Cow
- Red Car
- Shopping Mall
How to Make Your Own Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
As busy as we are, I saved you the time and created a free game you can print and take with you on the road.
But if you want, you can take my list and change it up. Use a free program like Canva or Picmonkey and create your own list with different objects to make it even more fun.
If you have older children you can put more difficult-to-spot items on the list like:
- Car from the 1980s
- Tour bus
- Vanity plate
- Someone who fails to use a blinker when changing lanes
- Slow driver in the left lane
- Brake lights
- Hotel
No matter how you do it, the point is to have fun together. Pass the time by finding things outside and making jokes and talking.
Another idea is to print one out for each passenger and time each person. See who can find the most things in the shortest time!

Download the ROAD TRIP SCAVENGER HUNT PRINTABLE by filling out the form below. The printable will be delivered right to your inbox!
More Travel Printables
Here are some more travel printables you can take with you on the road.
- Free Personalized Camping List Printable
- Personalized Vacation Packing List Printable
- Beach Scavenger Hunt Printable

hi, i subscribed to be able to download the road trip scavenger hunt printable but I am unable to find it in the private library list. Is it still available?
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