Ideas For Creating Easy Table Settings
With the use of a lot of bright color, mix and match china and simple items found even at the dollar store, you can create a beautiful and inviting table setting. Get a little inspiration from Country Living. Burlap used as a tablecloth, sunflowers and lanterns as centerpieces create this easy summer party.
A mix of color and patterns adds to this vivid table setting.
Add a little greenery from the yard and tie with a thin piece of ribbon…with miss matched china, even on a picnic table, this table setting still looks elegant.
If you grow Dahlias in your yard you could make these beauties for almost nothing or buy inexpensive mums from the grocery store…they look fantastic.
How great are the use of bandanas to create this easy and impressive table. You can buy these for a dollar or two…and what great impact. A simple vase with brightly color flowers ties it all together. Make a color copy on your printer of one of the bandanas, cut out and use as a place card.
Love the simplicity of this table.