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Margarita Candy Bark

with tequila

★ Fun alcoholic treat for any occasion ★ Easy to make ★ Sweet & refreshing

Why you'll love this:


★ white candy melts ★ lime green candy melts ★ tequila ★ sweetened lime juice ★ sparkling sugar

Add tequila to white candy melts. Melt in microwave or on stovetop.


Add sweetened lime juice to green candy melts. Melt in microwave or on stovetop. Spread on lined sheet pan.


Use a knife to swirl the green through the white. Sprinkle with sparkling sugar.


Chill in the refrigerator until set. Break into pieces and enjoy!


★ use red, white, and blue candy melts & star sprinkles to make patriotic/4th of July candy bark!

Recipe variations:

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